ওয়েবসাইটে হিয়ারিং এইডের মূল্য সংক্রান্ত কোনো প্রশ্ন থাকলে, দয়া করে আমাদের কর্তৃপক্ষের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করুন। আমরা আপনাকে সঠিক মূল্য তথ্য প্রদান করতে সদা প্রস্তুত।

Hearing aid Batteries In Dhaka- Lowest price At Rehab Hearing Center,Bangladesh

Hearing aid Batteries

Hearing aid batteries power your advanced hearing aids. Here’s everything you need to know about hearing aid battery sizes, lifespan, storage, brands and purchasing.

Like any technological device, hearing aids run on batteries. Traditionally, most hearing aids used tiny “button” batteries that wearers had to change every few days to weeks. Now, though, many hearing aid models come with rechargeable batteries. When choosing a hearing aid, it’s a good idea to think through which battery type works best for you.

Hearing aid batteries

Two main types of hearing aid batteries

Rechargeable batteries

Many of the latest hearing aid models come with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are usually recharged at night, when a hearing aid wearer takes out their hearing aids to sleep. So far, rechargeable batteries are generally only available for behind-the-ear styles of hearing aids. Rechargeable hearing aid brands on the market from manufacturers in 2020 included:

  • Oticon Opn S, Ruby and Play
  • Phonak Audeo Marvel, Bolero, Naida and Sky
  • Starkey Livio AI
  • ReSound LiNX Quattro
  • Widex Fusion2

Hearing aid batteries

Standard disposable batteries

Zinc-air button disposable batteries, also known as “button batteries,” are the other common option. Because zinc-air batteries are air-activated, a factory-sealed sticker allows them to remain inactive until it is removed. Once peeled from the back of the battery, oxygen will interact with the zinc in the battery and “turn it on.” To get the best performance from a zinc-air battery, wait about one minute after removing the sticker to fully activate before placing it in the hearing device. Replacing the sticker will not deactivate the battery, so once the sticker is removed, the battery will remain in an active state until the power is drained.

Zinc-air batteries remain stable for up to three years when stored in a room temperature, dry environment. Storing zinc-air batteries in the refrigerator has no benefits and could cause condensation to form under the sticker, which could reduce battery life prematurely. Traditionally hearing aid batteries were produced using trace amounts of mercury to assist with conductivity and stabilize internal components, but mercury is no longer used in hearing aid batteries.


Sizes of disposable hearing aid batteries

Hearing aids come in many different sizes and styles and with different power needs. Larger hearing aids require larger batteries. Additionally, hearing aids for people with severe or profound hearing loss typically require more power and larger batteries.

There are five sizes of hearing aid batteries available on the market. The sizes from smallest to largest are: 5, 10, 312, 13 and 675. Size 5 hearing aid batteries are rarely used. The four most common hearing aid battery sizes are all smaller than the diameter of a dime:

  • Size 10 – 5.8 mm wide by 3.6 mm high
  • Size 312 – 7.9 mm wide by 3.6 mm high
  • Size 13 – 7.9 mm wide by 5.4 mm high
  • Size 675 – 11.6 mm wide by 5.4 mm high


Color-coding for disposable hearing aid batteries

Because size differences may be hard to notice and difficult to remember, battery packaging is color-coded so finding and purchasing the correct ones is easier.

  • Size 10 batteries – yellow
  • Size 312 batteries – brown
  • Size 13 batteries – orange
  • Size 675 batteries – blue

 Hearing aid batteries

Battery life for hearing aid batteries

Non-rechargeable hearing aid batteries can last anywhere from five to 14 days, based on a 16-hour day of wear. This is dependent upon the size of the battery and power needed by the hearing aid. Typically, smaller batteries have shorter battery life than larger ones.

The average lifespan of hearing aid batteries is as follows:

  • Size 10 – three to seven days
  • Size 312 – three to 10 days
  • Size 13 – six to 14 days
  • Size 675 – nine to 20 days

If you are experiencing shortened battery life, there may be an issue with the hearing device. In this case, you should consult your user manual or contact your hearing healthcare professional to make sure everything is working properly.

How to extend the life of a hearing aid battery

While there aren’t any foolproof ways to extend non-rechargeable battery life, these tips will ensure the power isn’t being wasted.

Turn the hearing devices off when not in use and leave the battery compartment door open overnight. Not only will this help keep battery power from being wasted, it will allow any moisture that has built up from the day’s use to evaporate overnight.

To get optimal performance from your batteries, always store them at room temperature. Heat exposure and humid environments such as a bathroom will shorten battery life. Also, batteries shouldn’t be carried loose in pockets, a purse or a backpack where they might come into contact with other metal objects like coins or keys that can short-circuit the hearing aid batteries.

Hearing aid battery brands

Common manufacturers of non-rechargeable hearing aid batteries include Signia(siemens), Phonak, Rayovac and Energizer. However, many hearing aid manufacturers sell batteries wholesale to hearing care professionals, and the batteries may carry the brand name of that hearing aid manufacturer.

Another common practice is private labeling of batteries. This means the hearing care professional may purchase batteries wholesale and have them labeled with the name, address, phone number and logo associated with their office.

Regardless of the branding, most hearing aid batteries are made by trusted companies that produce other types of batteries for all types of electronics.

Hearing aid battery safety

According to the National Capital Poison Control Center, more than 3,500 Americans of all ages swallow disposable button batteries every year. If this happens to a person or pet in your home, seek medical attention immediately.

 Where To Purchase Hearing Aid Batteries

Batteries are typically available in mass retail stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, electronics stores and through online retailers.

You might also choose to purchase batteries through Rehab Hearing  Center. Because Rehab Hearing Center is the best hearing aid centre in Bangladesh and we providers go through their stock of batteries quickly, many wearers feel they are getting fresher batteries. Also, if you forget what battery size you need for your particular device, Rehab hearing  center professionals will ensure you are purchasing the correct one.

Online order:

You can buy hearing aid batteries in confidence online from our website.


Buy Hearing Aids Batteries start only 250 Tk (1 strip) or 1 Box 2500 TK (10 Strips)

Contact Information Of Panthapath Corporate Office Rehab Hearing  Center

Solid Point, Karim tower 1st floor West Panthapath Dhaka 1205.

(Opposite of BRB Hospital)

Phone: 01858 200 300

Hours: 10 AM – 8.00 PM

Contact Information Of Rehab Hearing  Center (DHANMONDI BRANCH)

Dr.Refatullah’s Happy Arcade,House: 3, Road: 3,

Office: 24/1 (Ground Floor), Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi,

Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh.

Phone: +8802-9613297

Mobile: +8801611-051303(Whats app), +8801979-051303